Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Ups and downs

Some days are better than others...this one was one of the better ones.

The girls gave me some excitement when I got home...Sparrow and Lonya somehow managed to catch a small bunny in the back yard.  I thought they were just playing chase with each other...and when the screaming started, I got a bit freaked!  Fortunately, they were in one of the areas where there is some light, so I was able to see they had something.  I was able to call them off it and it kind of stumbled a bit...that was too much for Lonya, so I had to pick her up.  Sparrow called off it a second time.  It was kind of hobbling away, so I put the two of them (Chey was oblivious to it all) in the house to see if I could catch it.  Of course, I couldn't find it when I got back out there (much to the girls chagrin...they were raising a ruckus in the house!).  So, I got Lonya's leash and let her track the bunny and lead me to it.  That actually worked!   So, back in the house for her and I caught the bunny in a rubbermaid.  I took it to the marshy area across the street and let it go.  It hopped away, so I hope it'll be okay.  Man, I hate the noise rabbits make!  This is only the second time I can remember hearing rabbits scream...it's not a good sound!

Still haven't found Kal's leash, but I didn't get as much done around the house this past weekend.  Hopefully I'll find it this weekend.

Another favorite Kal memory...I have some running pants that I usually wear to agility trials.  I have several different pairs.  I like them because I can wear shorts under them and they have zippers at the cuffs so I can get them off over my shoes easily.  Kal knew that these were "dog show pants".  If I put them on, he just KNEW we were going to a trial...and he wouldn't go to his room.  If I happened to want to wear them for another reason (like to go birding or somewhere else where I'd want to be able to change quickly), I couldn't put them on until after I put him away...otherwise he would try to insist that he was going with me...after all, I was wearing the dog show pants!

The goofy things that made me love my boy...

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