Friday, October 15, 2010

Losing my boy

What can you say about the best dog that you've ever owned...and probably the best one you ever will own?  Kal-El was my heart dog, the first I've had.  The moment I saw him at the airport, I knew he was put on this earth to be my dog.  He's the dog I never should have had.  I wasn't supposed to get him, but the litter I had planned on was a false pregnancy.  So, Ronda found me Kal.  It was meant to be.  Kal was a dog that would do anything that I asked of him...and I "trained" him to do several things by only asking him.  Some of his jobs were to find the cats and pick up the food bowls.  I never taught him this...I really don't know how he knew to do it.

He was the first white shepherd to do lots of things in our area.  He introduced a lot of people to the fact that german shepherds DO come in white.  I constantly have people come up to me at trials and talk to me about him...people who I don't know at all.  He was that kind of dog, the kind you remembered.  He was the first white shepherd to get a UACHX and a UGRACH, and was one leg away from being the first to get a C-ATCH.  In my heart, he got that C-ATCH.  The titles and accolades are all great, but it was the experiences he gave to me that will live on with me.

I could tell stories about Kal for hours...and still never scratch the surface about what made him, him.  He was good with all people, but if you were one of his special friends, watch out!  There was risk he'd almost knock you to the ground in his exuberance to get to you to say hi.  He was good with dogs too, he liked to play with dogs of all sizes, but if a dog snarked at him, he got his feelings hurt.  Only on a very rare occasion would he snark back, and that was only if he thought one of his sisters was being threatened.  I often jokingly called him my "perfect dog"...but really, it wasn't much of a joke.  He was almost perfect.

Kal loved to "work", no matter what I asked him to do, he tried his best.  He was a great agility dog, not the fastest one out there, but he was steady.  He saved many of our runs by making up for my poor handling.  He was a great JWW dog, which given his size, still surprises me.  He LOVED flyball, and I'll never forget people asking me if he was a wolf at our first tournament.  And the surprise of some people that we were running an intact male shepherd.  He loved to go get his ball...but then realized how far he was from me and would come running back even faster.  He really liked Rally too, more than I did actually.  It was to be our retirement sport....  Regular obedience wasn't his favorite, he hated the stays..that was too far for him to be away from me.  And an out of site stay, you're crazy if you think he'd stand for that!  Conformation was only "okay" also...while he may not have been the "best" conformation dog, his outstanding temperament won over several judges.   He did have fun the couple of times he got to play with goats and sheep.

His decline was swift and painless for him.  Less than 24 hours before his death, he was playing fetch with me in the backyard.  It is a blessing for him, I would have hated to see him suffer or linger on with a disease.  But, man, it is so hard for me.  I still hear him moving about the house, and I keep checking his sleeping spots for him.  I'm grateful that he waited until Thursday so I could be with him.  If I had been working Thursday night, I would have most likely come home to find him already gone.  I truly believe he waited so I could give him permission to go...and at the end, he still didn't want to.  It was probably the one time where he was deliberately trying to go against my wishes.   He was that type of right hand man and my son.

I hope that some day, hemangiosarcoma becomes a disease that we can say our dogs USED to die of.  I somehow knew that that is probably what would take Kal, I just didn't know that it would be this soon.  The suddenness of it all is feels like I've been punched in the gut and I cry a lot.  The girls are handling it well, they somehow know that he is gone.  They're not looking for him or crying for him (like they did when I took him to get neutered).  They're more concerned about me, especially Lonya.  She doesn't understand why I'm crying all the time and it's upsetting her.  I'm not sure if she thinks she's the cause or not...but I'm trying to give her extra attention.  And Sparrow, bless her, is being a great big sister, playing with Lonya and distracting all of us.

If people want to share a memory of Kal, I'd be glad for you to do so here.  I really have appreciated all of the notes and messages from helps more than you know!


  1. I remember watching your video of a standard run at the CPE nationals and commenting on your start....The very next trial I had with Dixie we had the same opening combination only the opposite direction...and I thought...What would Beth and Kal do? We Q'd that run...thank you Kal!! Beth he will always be running beside in spirit!! Run Free Kal!! You will be missed by many!!

  2. Beth,
    I just read this out loud to Kristy, tears running down my cheeks.. I am so sorry.... they say time heals all wounds - I don't think so.. you will always feel the pain from the loss of Kal but somehow you learn to live with it and the good memories will help make the pain not quite so raw. Thinking of you. Shirley

  3. What an awesome tribute Beth, I can only hope that I will be half as strong as you when one of my kids take that long walk.
    He is only gone from your sight and forever in your heart!

  4. I know we always joked around about Kal being "perfect" but he truly was about as close to it as a dog can get. Anyone who says there is no perfect dog never met Kal.
    Kal's body my be gone, but, his spirit is still there with you. He will always be there with you. He will live on forever in your heart.
    Sometimes you will think you hear him or that you thought you saw him. YOU WILL FEEL HIM THERE! He will never really be gone.

  5. Beth, I only knew Kal from your stories of him but if he was even half the dog I read about then he truly was the perfect friend. I'm so sorry you had to lose him so young. At least you got to spend his last day playing with him.

  6. What a wonderful team you two were. It is no wonder you are hurting so bad. I wish there was some magic that could help you, but I guess Kal was the magic and only time will help. He was a magnificent boy and the love you shared was so visible when he looked at you. Take care Beth. I am so very sorry. Betty

  7. That is a beautiful tribute to a beautiful dog.

  8. Beth, I never met Kal in person, but I feel like I knew him for years from your stories about him and pictures you shared. He always reminded me my own best dog that I got from the same breeder you got Kal. It seemed that they shared the same type of coat, same kind of temperament, same love for work and same love in abundance. Some day I too will loose Faith (hopefully in her very old age), but even thinking of it is killing me. I can feel you pain even thought you are hundreds of miles away. I know that loosing the best friend and companion is devastating and no words about Rainbow Bridge could mend that pain.

    Memories are what we are to hold on to. I save every ribbon and trophy from every competition and when I look at them they bring back memories of that exact day each of them was earned and all the experience with my dog that came with it. It is priceless…

    I know Kal will stay alive for you in your memory forever. What a blessing it was for you to share 8 years with such a wonderful dog.

    Lena Ralston

  9. Very Nicely done Beth. Kal will always be with you.

  10. Beth,
    My heart bleeds for your sadness and loss. Your boy Kal was a very special dog, and he is now a special "Spirit" by your side. Some do not understand the bond between dog and human, and it is these people I feel so sorry for. This bond expands our capacity for loving...and we sure do. God Bless you, Beth, and may your heart forever be filled with warm and loving memories.
    Marion Lopizzo

  11. Beth,
    This is beautiful tribute. I never saw your Kal, but these photos bring him alive. The expression in his eyes [in the first photo] is indescribable. He was indeecd a most remarkable Shepherd - in every way. But your love and training developed his potential and so he too felt an immense gratitude to you. Your heart will be heavy for a long time. Only the joy and privilege of having been blessed with such a magnificent creature can assuage your pain - at least a litle bit.

    Mother Marija

  12. Dear Beth,
    My heart aches for you and your loss of Kal. He was the most magnificent white GSD I have ever seen. Through your pics/stories about Kal- well that made him even more magnificent. Thank you for sharing your beautiful boy through the years
    - I too will miss him.
    I know that your heart is heavy because a
    piece is missing. Focus on his memory, for it is so sweet and filled with love...Godspeed Kal-EL!
    Kody Grace is Kal's niece - she knows "the computer" upsets me at times...she is right at my feet. I will dote on her and love her even more if that is possible.

    Diane Dailey

  13. I was lucky enough to meet both Kal-El and Sparrow at GSDCA Nationals in 2005. He was an awesome representative of the breed! How sad that I heard of his passing while on my way home from Utah, and this year's GSDCA's National. Beth, words are not enough at times like this...
    Becky, Lar and Tanner

  14. This page is a wonderful tribute to Kal! The tears are running down my cheeks while I read this. Kal and you have been the best representatives to the White Shepherd World and the Dog World in general.


  15. Kal-El will always be with you, Beth.

  16. Beth,
    Thank you for sharing beautiful Kal with all of us in the White Shepherd world. He will always be remembered as that fantastic agility dog. He has set a standard for all of us interested in agility to follow. Even though I never met him, I sure felt like I knew him through your endearing stories. He will continue to inspire us for many years to come. I am so sorry for your loss.

    Rhonda McMahan

  17. Dear Beth,
    What a wonderful tribute to Kal. We have always enjoyed seeing Kal's pictures and hearing about his awesome abilities. You were blessed to have had him in your life but he was doubly blessed to have had you in his. We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers. Much love, Auntie Dee & Uncle Nick

  18. I'm so sorry Beth. I agree with Robin, Kal-El will always be with you.

  19. What a wonderful tribute to a great dog. I hope the girls continue to comfort you.

  20. A beautiful tribute to a very special companion, friend, and fellow competitor. He will always be with you.

  21. Though I'd never met Kal-El, your tribute to your friend was beautiful and touching. This was the first that I had seen of Kal-El and I feel privileged to have seen the pictures of him thoughout the years. Kal-El was truly a magnificent looking German Shepherd and obviously his years of friendship and agility work made his character match his beauty. I am the owner of Koda who is a nephew of Kal-El.
    My prayers go out to you and your family.
    Frank Kuhl
