Monday, October 18, 2010

Favorites and memories

I know that parents aren't supposed to have a favorite child...and dog owners aren't supposed to have a favorite dog.  But, I think we all know that it's just impossible for there to not be a favorite.  What does it say about a dog when he was so heavily your favorite...that now that he's gone, you don't really know who's your favorite now?  Don't get me wrong, I love my girls dearly.  But God, I loved that boy.  There's just something about a big goofy shepherd boy.  They are such momma's boys...especially when their mom is the only person in the house.

Kal seemed to know the silly things that he did that made me laugh...or just love him even more.  Simple things, like the "lean"...he was a pro at the shepherd lean.  He'd lean so hard into my legs that if I moved, he'd almost fall over.  And he would lay with me in bed, and look at me upside down, with his head flipped all the way back, and wag his tail.  That killed me every time, so so sweet.  Or when he really wanted something, he would sit very prim and proper...just wagging the very tip of his tail.  And, for whatever reason, it just tickled me to no end to see my big white boy playing with squeaky toys.  He was generally such a dignified dog...but if he had one of his favorite squeakies, he'd be just like a puppy again.  I'm sure there are a million more....

I've had a few people mention that they aren't able to read this blog, and I understand that.  I'm barely able to write it...  But, I do believe that a part of me is afraid that I'm going to forget some of the little things as time passes, and that's so not fair to Kal.  He deserves to have every little thing remembered...every quirk, every nuance, every accomplishment.  

I have to attempt to reenter the "normal" world tomorrow.  Fortunately, I think (hope) my co-workers all know what happened, and they're all animal people who know how important Kal was in my life.  

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