Sunday, October 17, 2010

Trial today and other stuff

Today was better than yesterday.  Not quite so many tears, and no real meltdowns.  It was still hard, but it was good for me to be around people...and not in the house.  It's hard to be in the house...  Long drives are hard, I wept most of the way to the trial.  I wore a new pin that a friend gave's a pewter dog angel.  It was a nice reminder of my boy.

I felt better running today...though still guilty that I was at a trial without Kal.  Sparrow had 2 runs, snooker and colors.  They were the 2nd and 5th classes.  Snooker was in the AM, when it was still pretty cool out.  There was a decent path that involved doing all tunnels in the opening, with a back to back tunnel after the last red (as a tunnel was #2).  Nice smooth closing too.  Sparrow was SO happy this run.  I don't think she quite believed me when I kept sending her to tunnels!  She did the puppy gallop and was just a crazy girl after the run.  I took her to an open area and just played with her after she was done...she was bucking, running to the end of her leash, play bowing, growling, just all out being a nut job.  She Q'd with a second place.  Her colors run was alright.  It was a tough course, you had to choose a difficult weave entry bypassing a tunnel or a 3 jump sequence doing two tight 180s.  And it was hotter out!  I choose the weave one, and Sparrow wasn't too happy that I called her off the tunnel!  She ran around one jump, but I fixed it.  She ended up Qing, one second over time.

Lonya did very well also.  She had 2 runs too, standard and jumpers.  3rd and 4th classes of the day.  Standard she NQ'd early (wasn't even CLOSE to hitting the down contact of the dogwalk!) so I played a bit.  She caught a front cross well and did her weaves the first time.  She ran by the Aframe again, so I did make her fix that.  She did it fine the second time.  I can't really remember much else about that run...but it was fun.  Her Jumpers run only had one mistake, which I had her fix.  It was a really nice, smooth, fast course.  She missed the first tunnel entry, twice.  When she missed it the second time, I was a little harsh in getting her attention back to me, but she responded and did the tunnel.  The rest of the course she did very fast!  And I could see her make a decision to take a jump rather than run around it...she had to change her direction at the last moment to take it.  Her time was 24 sec, course time was around even after screwing around at the tunnel, she was well under time.  She Qd with a first place.   She's really matured a lot in the last few months...and it was nice to hear several people tell me that.

Chey seemed stressed when I got home, though she wasn't howling when I got here (like she was yesterday). There were some interesting things that happened not too long after I got home.  At one point, I saw Lonya cleaning Chey's eyes and face.  She used to do this to Kal...never saw her do it to another dog.  Chey tolerated it for a bit, then was done and told Lonya so.  Lonya persisted and Chey snapped at her.  Sparrow got between them, then sucked up to Chey.  Lonya left Chey be after that.

When I went out for a short time a while later, I decided to leave Sparrow in the dog room with Chey (Spar normally goes in my bedroom).  Spar was a bit confused, but once she got her cookies, she was fine.  She didn't seem too put out when I got home, and Chey definitely seemed happier.  I think Kal was Chey's ears, more than I realized.  Chey can't hear me get home, and I end up surprising her when I open the door to let her out of the dog room.  So, I'm hoping Sparrow will be okay with being Chey's new ears...

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