Monday, November 8, 2010

Day 3 of IPOC

I only showed Lonya today, in Open Standard and Open JWW.

We ran JWW first.  It was kind of a tough course...lots of "stuff" out there with some twisty parts.  But, the weave entry was set up perfectly just for Lonya!  I heard some people complaining about it, but not us!  It was a "c" shaped tunnel right into the weaves....which is what I've had set up in my backyard for ages!  She ran it pretty well, some wide turning that made her really have to work for some of the jumps.  I felt a bit frantic at times, since she's faster than what I'm used to and I couldn't get where I wanted a couple of times.  You can see a place in the video where I bail on trying to get a front cross at the last minute!  But, she was clean and got her first open Q!

(You can hear she has a bit of  a  fan club LOL)

Her Standard run was VERY nice also...just a couple of minor bobbles.  She got a weave entry that a lot of dogs missed (again, including excellent dogs, similar if not the exact same entry).  I told her "good girl" too early, at pole 11 and she didn't take #12.  She did them fine when I asked her to redo them though.  Then, she hesitated at getting on the table for a second refusal, so NQ.  But, the rest was pretty darn good.  She's SO close to Qing in Standard, it's only a matter of time!

Lonya got all her contacts this weekend, and got most of her weaves on the first try.  Only knocked one bar.  And, even after 3 days, she was still happy and bouncy!

I got a compliment from a total stranger too, which is always nice.  She said that she'd been at the trial all weekend and she just wanted to tell me that it was good to see how I was always happy with my dogs after a run, even if they messed up.  I do try to do that, they usually are trying hard to do it right...and if they have a bad day or a bad run, it just shows that they're not robots!

And, here is Sparrow's JWW run from Friday.  I hope to get Lonya's from that day too, but it's not on my camera....

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