Saturday, April 9, 2011

Updates on Lonya

I've missed a few trial here they are (I do like having them all in one place!)   I am cheating again with the first couple of updates, copying from emails I sent!  

March 19-20--Mid Florida Dalmatian Club trial in Brooksville
Lonya and I had 2 days of agility this weekend also, in warm and sunny Brooksville FL.  I wasn't too sure how this weekend would go, as I was sick going into it (and went to Urgent Care after we got home today and have bronchitis and tonsillitis, yippee!).

I made a video of 3 of the runs, located here: 

The first one was our 1 Q of the weekend, in Excellent A JWW.  I did not handle this run very well, I was way overmanaging her.  Partly because it was a tricky course, but mostly because I couldn't quite remember where we were going!  When I came out of the ring, I told my friend who was taping (but didn't really know the course), "I'm not sure if I ran the right course, but she did everything I asked her to do!"  I had to wait to see the score sheet to know that she Q'd. 

The second run on the tape is JWW from today.  She ran this REALLY nice as well, there was a lot of "handling" on this one.  She didn't complete the weaves, which was her only error.  She had 1 wide turn and 1 spin after an (unplanned) rear cross, but was still about 8 seconds under course time, which I was very happy about!

The 3rd run is Standard from yesterday.  My head wasn't quite in it yet, and she took an early off course that I wasn't expecting at all.  So, I was able to try some things that I may not have otherwise.  The main one you can see is leaving her on the table.  She "mostly" stayed, at least long enough for me to get into position.  And I was really happy with how she handled the sequence from the tunnel after the table to the Aframe. 

Standard today isn't on the video.  She was VERY hyper...I was still fuzzy headed, you do the math!  I did leave her on the table again though, this time she stayed until released! 

Overall, I was very happy with her though.  I'm thrilled that she was able to Q on a Excellent level course (and come close on another one).  

April 2-Tampa Bay Agility Club, at KETCH

Lonya did very well today!  She qualified in Ex A JWW, for her second leg for her AXJ.  She ran really well, even though I can see that my handling still isn't quite right.  I was very happy that she got the turn into the weave poles!  Her standard run was better than they have been.  She had a couple of refusals, both on contacts.  I think I'm just assuming that she'll take them, and right now she still needs me to tell her to do them.  I was a little more firm about telling her to do the dogwalk, and she did that one fine.  And this is a trial site where she's not had very much success, so I was happy that she ran well there today.  Wish we were going back tomorrow!  
Here's her run...  

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