Saturday, March 12, 2011

Lonya is Excellent now

Missed updates for 2 trials, but Lonya is now in Excellent A in both classes in AKC!  

We showed Vero Beach again at the end of February.  She was much more comfortable in the hotel this time, which was good.  She ran much better there also!  Had some good runs on dirt for the first time.  She Q'd in Standard on Friday, only ran around the table for her one refusal.  Her Jumpers run on Saturday was really nice also, I didn't support a jump enough and she ran around it and took another for an off course.  No videos from that weekend unfortunatley.  

Last weekend, we showed in Mulberry for 3 days.  I did email updates for that trial, so here they are!  (Cheating I know!)

Lonya started out day 1 of our 3 days of agility meeting my goal for the weekend!  She Q'd in JWW today, for the 3rd leg needed for her OAJ!  Her standard run was nice, but she dropped a bar (only the second I can recall since we started showing) and did the table an extra time.  But, she had great contacts and weaves, and did go to the table when I sent her without running around it first.  In the last two weekends, she's really come into her own, and wow, is it fun!  

Day two of the trial also went well.  Lonya qualified in Open Standard, for her 3rd Q, so she now has her OA!  She had 1 refusal, I need to get up in front of her better to direct her sooner.  Her contacts were good.  The teeter and dogwalk were great, the Aframe was good.  She can't quite seem to stop in the 2 on 2 off, but is stopping right when she gets off..which means that at least she's thinking about stopping! (much better than launching from 3 slats above the yellow!)

Her Excellent JWW debut was really good.  She didn't Q, but only had 1 refusal (I thought I could beat her down a line of jumps, I was wrong!).  When I fixed it, she knocked the bar (wasn't a great set up).  The course was TOUCH, not many dogs Q'd at all, across all of Excellent.  She did really well with all of the "handling" areas, except the first time I had to wrap her...I think she thought we were done already!

Lonya didn't Q today, but that's okay!  She still had a great weekend.  Her standard run was a bit of a mess, it was a tough, twisty course and it was just a little too much for her (and a lot of other dogs).  I need to work on tunnel/dogwalk discriminations!  JWW had some really good parts.  She held a 2 jump lead out wonderfully, than ran behind me instead of turning, silly girl!  But, she hit a weave entry that easily half the dogs didn't seem that difficult, but it was (it wasn't quite a 180 into the weaves, but it was close).  She ran around the last jump also.  We need to work on collection and turning too!

Here are a few videos from the IPOC weekend

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