Sunday, April 17, 2011

Pasco Paws CPE, Day 3

Today was our last day out of Pasco Paws.  It was cooler out today, which was nice!  I didn't even have to pull out the fan.  Sparrow was 3 for 4 today, for a weekend total of 11 for 12!  I think this is the best weekend she's ever had at a trial!

Our first run today was Colors.  One course included the Aframe, the other didn't.  Usually, I wouldn't have her do a contact in Colors, due to the time it takes her to do them.  But, today, I really thought the course with the Aframe was the better one.  It had a better weave entry (both courses used weaves) and it was one obstacle shorter.  She ran it pretty well, it was pretty short and sweet.  She Q'd for second place.

Next up was Standard.  It was serpentine heavy, again!  She really seemed to be getting over doing serps!  She popped out of the weaves at the 10th pole, so we redid them.  We probably would have been over time due to this, but I didn't really check it...since she NQd on the next to last obstacle.  It was a tunnel/Aframe discrimination and she took the tunnel instead of the Aframe.  I guess she was due to NQ at some point!

Next up was Jumpers.  This was, to me, the run where I most wanted her to Q.  Again, serpentines and 180s.  Sparrow was really done with them at this point, and really slowed as she was being turned back and forth.  Bless her for continuing on.  She did finish the run well, and while she was a couple of seconds over time, she still was able to Q for 3rd place.

Last up was Snooker.  This was a difficult course for me to decide what to do.  I knew Sparrow was tired, so I wanted to try to find a course that was relatively smooth, but had her covering as little real estate as possible.  I tried many different paths in the walk through, decided on one, only to discard it after watching some other people!  I ended up running a path I hadn't walked, and while I was a little late with some of my handling, Sparrow did well and was actually got through the 7 in the closing!  She Q'd for a second.

We went into the weekend needed 11 legs for her C-ATCH.  We ended the weekend making as much progress as was possible for us, knocking out 9 of those legs!  (And earning 2 legs toward her C-ATCH2).  Sparrow only needs 1 Jumpers Q and 1 Jackpot Q now.  Not sure when our next CPE trial will be, May (if Lonya comes into heat and I have to pull her from the AKC trial) or July.

Video being uploaded now...I'll post it later!

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