Saturday, April 16, 2011

Pasco Paws CPE, Day 2

Sparrow had another great day at Pasco Paws, even though it was warm out again.  We did have a breeze though, so that helped a lot!  Sparrow was 4 for 4 again, another perfect day!

Our first run was Jackpot, non traditional this time.  There were several rules, but basically, there were 3 gambles you could do (for 15, 20 or 25 points).  If you failed at the first gamble you tried (unless you did the hardest one), you couldn't attempt another one.  If you did the first gamble you tried, you could try another, or just run for points.  The 15 point gamble was a serpentine of 3 jumps, which should have been easy!  Sparrow missed the second jump though, where she was supposed to jump back towards me.  So, without crossing the line, I had to get her to go around to the BACK side of the jump and take it towards me.  After a little coaxing (and some play bowing by Sparrow), she actually did eventually go around to the back and take the jump towards me, and we finished that gamble.  But, that took a lot of time, and she once again jumped her dogwalk we were way short on points when the buzzer rang telling us we had 18 seconds to get to the table.  So, I decided to try the 20 point gamble, which was a tunnel, jump, a-frame and jump.  She did it without any trouble, but then saw her leash and ran to in instead of going to the table!  After a second or two of me calling her, she finally got on the table.  Course time was 48 seconds, she did it in about 47.5!  The judge actually came over to check to see if she made time, and commented "wow, she actually got it!"  She got 4th.

After Jackpot, Sparrow was very jazzed up so we played for a few minutes.  She was play bowing, growling, bucking and just having an all around good time.  A little of it was caught on video, so I'll include it when I edit the videos (probably tomorrow)

Next was Standard.  It was a nicer course for us than yesterday's was.  She ran pretty well, though she thought it was a little warm!  She was really slow over the dog walk, but hit the contact.  She also thought we were done right before the weaves, so it took a second or two to get her in them.  But, she was the only 20" level 5 dog to run clean, so she took 1st place there.

Next was Colors.  This judge REALLY likes serpentines!  One of the color options had a serpentine, and that was the option I choose.  I didn't like the other option, as it had both spread jumps in a path that I thought risked them being knocked.  It was a pretty steady run, pokey but she got it done!  She did like the 3 jump straight ending.  She Q'd for 4th.

Last run today was FullHouse.  Sparrow was a little tired it seemed, but she still worked well.  I was the only one I saw who ran my path, which isn't unusual!  With Sparrow, I need to minimize the real estate we cover while trying to get the most points we can.  (The downfall of running a slower dog! But, she rarely knocks bars, which is nice!)  We ran the course I planned, with one extra jump.  I was happy with how well she ran and she Q'd, but no placement.  This will be a Q used for her C-ATCH2!

One more day tomorrow, it's supposed to be a little cooler.  And, no "speed" classes tomorrow...

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