Friday, December 9, 2011

Pasco Paws, Day 1 of CPE

Okay, trying to be better about the blog (I know I said that before....)

This weekend we have a CPE trial, Friday and Saturday. I chose CPE over an AKC trial this weekend as a warm up for the Invitational because it's more laid back and less stressful for me (and to be honest, we usually have a pretty good success rate there, so it's reinforcing for me too!)

Sparrow had 3 runs, Jackpot, Standard and FullHouse, all level 5. She only Q'd in FullHouse, but the others were not her fault. Jackpot she ran a great opening, and the send was totally doable for her, but I was not in the correct position and sent her to the wrong entrance of a tunnel. Standard, I knocked over the double as we ran by it, it was not the correct obstacle and we hadn't taken it yet. I thought that was an automatic NQ, but turns out it wasn't! But, because it was hot (for Sparrow) I didn't fix the end when Sparrow pulled off of a jump, so that NQ'd us. We may have been over time anyway, but still...I felt bad for not fixing the error! FullHouse had a really nice, easy course for her, no contacts, no sharp turns, just 2 oval loops. And, it was cooler by then, so she was happy. I didn't stay for the results, but I doubt that she placed (unless there were less than 4 dogs in her class!)

Lonya also had 3 runs, Jackpot (level 3), Standard (level 2) and Jumpers (level 3). Jackpot was fun, though there was an error with our time (which I'm not sure how they sorted out, they didn't ask me...and we got our Q so I didn't really care!). We were out there for a LONG time though, I ran out of things to do. But, she got the send with no problem, it was similar to Sparrow's, and I positioned myself better. She was VERY excited at the end, and almost jumped over me instead of the normal leap into my arms. Q with a 1st. That was her last Q needed in Level 3, on to Level 4 tomorrow. Standard was easy, Level 2 is well below her current competition level. It was a smooth course, that she ran in about 1/2 of the allotted course time. Q with a 1st. That was her last Level 2 Q, so on to Level 3 tomorrow! Jumpers was...interesting! She got spooked before going into the ring. Best I can figure, is that there were more men around then usual and she didn't like that! She had fixated on the leash runner (who was male) before entering the ring, so I adjusted my handling a bit. I was VERY happy that she continued with the run, dealing with her stress and not shutting down. It was a beautiful run until the last jump. I changed my path to put myself between her and the leash runner...but didn't realize that she'd then notice the male ring crew right there and shy away from him. Once I got on that side of the jump, she took it for a Q and a 2nd.

I put her new Thundershirt on Lonya after giving her some treats after her Jumpers run and took her back by the Jumpers ring. Not close enough to distract the other dogs, but just to walk her near the leash runner and the ring crew. While she wasn't thrilled, she stayed by my side and after the second pass, her tail went up. And she went up and sniffed the ring crew that spooked her in the run, happy with that. (Interesting note...the ring crew was a person we don't see very often...but who was wearing a rain jacket, watching right outside the ring at one of Lonya's first ever runs (also in Jumpers now that I think about it!) Lonya stopped her run to bark at him then...that was at least a year ago, maybe more. I don't think she could have remembered that, but who knows! I'm just glad she was still able to "work" while a little stressed).

Videos hopefully will be edited tomorrow...

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