Sunday, December 11, 2011

Day 2 of Pasco Paws CPE

We had a great day yesterday at Pasco Paws. The girls were just great! We had 6 runs, and we had 6 Q's!

Lonya was entered in Level 4 Jackpot, Level 3 Standard and Level 3 Snooker. Jackpot was non-traditional though there still was a distance challenge. There was a box, with a jump on each side, a couple of feet or so out. You could do the "gamble" at any time during your run. You and the dog had to enter the box, and you had to send the dog out to 3 or 4 jumps (3 for 20 points, 4 for 25 points). The dog had to take each jump from the "box side" and no backjumping allowed. Backjumping ended the gamble, though if you knocked a bar, you could still try for 3 to get 20 points, you just negated getting 25 points. Lonya was fantastic! She did the gamble with no problem and ended up with one of the highest point totals of all the 4/5/C dogs! The horn sounded with 20 seconds left to give you a warning, and we ended the run with 6 seconds to spare...I could have gotten some more points! LOL It sure is different to not have to worry about points in the speed games! She Q'd with a 1st.

Level 3 Standard was nice. I did a poorly timed rear cross at a tunnel and pushed her off it. She came back to do it though, and the rest was really nice! She was moving, out in front of me for much of it! She Q'd with a 1st place, ran it in 38.08 seconds, course time was 59.

Level 3 Snooker was also fun. We did 2, 7, 7 (again, fun to try for higher points rather than shorter distance for a slower dog). She did it with only a slight bobble when she wanted to go to the table, but was well under time. She got 46 points, again, one of the higher totals of the 3/4/5/C dogs! :-)

Sparrow ran in Jackpot, Standard and FullHouse. All level 5. Jackpot was the same course as Lonya above. Sparrow had a slightly bobble on the 1st send, but then figured out what I wanted! She did refuse the second Aframe I asked her to do, but still had plenty of points. She Q'd with 49 points for a 2nd place.

Standard was alright, she was a little pokey, but it was warm for her at that point. Sparrow also knows that when we're in that ring at Pasco Paws, that we always exit at the same side, and it can be hard to keep her going if the course is set up have a part that Sparrow thinks could be the end. In this case, it was a jump that was the final jump (so had the timers set on it), but that we also took about 5 obstacles from the end. Sparrow saw the timers and when we took it the first time, she was trotting over to her leash! She did turn back to finish the course, but she was pretty sure I was wrong... She Q'd for a second place.

And FullHouse... I was really stressing about how I was going to get her enough points, since I didn't think the course was a good one for a slower dog. I typically try to not do contacts in FH, since she can be slow on them (though I will use the teeter, she's faster there). But, to do this one, I felt I needed to do the Aframe twice to get the points. And even then, I was worried she'd be too slow. Sparrow proved me wrong! She was VERY pumped up before we entered the ring. It had cooled down, and she was doing the bucking, bowing, growling thing that she does when she's feeling frisky. At the start line, she went into a play bow and we took off. She ran fast for her, and got all the points with some to spare. She did poop out a bit on me at the end, but it was great to see her have so much fun! Several people commented on how fast she was on that run. She Q'd with 30 points for a 3rd place.

I was very happy with the girls all weekend. Lonya was having fun, and worked well through her stress. And Sparrow when she Q'd and placed, was placing over other dogs! FullHouse yesterday, she took 1st (she got 34 points), and about 6 dogs Q'd! CPE is really a great venue for Sparrow, and we'll continue to play there as long as she's having fun.


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