Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Palmetto trial

Lonya and I had 3 days of AKC agility this weekend.  It was a weekend of weave frustrations and lots of improvements.  I need to remember to focus on the improvements and not let myself be frustrated by the weave issue!  Hard to do...

The weave issue was that she is pulling out of the poles at pole 10-11.  This cost us 5 Qs out of 6 runs this weekend!  In some of those runs, she did make another error after the poles, when I'd try a harder cross or just get flustered.  I "think" I may be crowding her...though I couldn't reproduce it at home.  I'm going to try to take her weaves on the road this next couple of weeks to see what she does.

The improvements.  First, the multiple runs where there was only 1 error!  She is RIGHT there to Qing regularly in Excellent.  She is 2.5 years old and ready to Q in Excellent!

She was MUCH more relaxed walking around the trial site.  It was crowded (biggest trial we've been to).  I watched her closely when were walking around and her tail was up.  Dropping her tail is a first sign of stress for her, tucking it is definite stress.  She went up to people and let them pet her.  People she's met before mostly, but still, this is big for her.  She was able to wait near the ring, not right next to it, but near.  She even walked into the ring on her own a time or two.  And when I carried her in, I asked her to jump up, I don't remember her asking to be picked up.  I always ask for the leap into my arms at the end of a run, but I could put her down to get her leash on and she didn't ask to be picked back up.  Very happy with all that!

Standard was TONS better.  I was more firm, but after the first day, I didn't notice I was overly so.  She only ran by one obstacle in Standard, the teeter on Sunday.  I could see her make the effort to turn back in to take something I asked when she thought she was going somewhere else.  And she called off several tunnels.

We trial again in 2 weeks, then again the week after that (if we "need" to).  I really would like to make the Invitational, but if we don't make it this year, we'll be there next year!  I still am impressed that such a young dog is doing so well, so quickly.  I think it's only because we ARE so close, that I really really want to go this year...Lonya deserves it.

Saturday, May 21, 2011


Once again, I've been slacking off on the blog!

A few weeks ago, Lonya got her AXJ at a trial in Palmetto.  This was her first time there, and I was pleased overall with how she did.  It was crowded, but she really didn't stress very much at all.  Her JWW run for her Q was nice, but unfortunately, I didn't get it on video!  Her other JWW runs were okay, she had weave issues all weekend and I caused an error or two!  Standard is still a struggle.  Her last run of the weekend, I got a little firmer with her and she settled in to work...I think I may be so worried about her stressing that she's getting away with only having to do what she wants...  We trial 3 days next weekend, so we'll see what happens if I'm more firm with her.

Then, Lonya came into heat, so I had to pull her from a trial, which meant I could enter Sparrow in a CPE trial and run her for her C-ATCH.  I was a bit worried about the heat, but didn't want to put it off.  We ran in 3 runs each night.  Night one, we ran in WildCard, Snooker and Jackpot.  She Q'd in all 3, which gave her the last Jackpot Q she needed for her C-ATCH.  It was non-traditional, and was set up well for Sparrow.  I'm a big fan of jump combos for 5 points!  You had to do the obstacles labelled 2, 4, 6, and 8 in order, but could do other things in between.

The second night, our first run of the trial was Jumpers...the last thing we needed for her C-ATCH.  It was warm, and I was nervous.  But, she ran well, even if it was a bit slow.  We were under time though and she Qd for her C-ATCH!  I was so happy that she got it, she's been running so well in the last few months.  I handled it pretty well too, I only cried a little bit.  I really wanted Sparrow's C-ATCH to be about her, and not about the missed opportunity with Kal...and I think I succeeded at that.  My friends who were there were very supportive and happy for us also.  And the ribbon she got was huge!!  We also ran in Colors for a Q and Jackpot for an NQ (she got the distance, but was 1 point shy of minimum in the opening!)

The video of her C-ATCH runs is here.

We didn't do much of a victory lap, since it was hot, but she was very happy at the end!

Today, I went to a handling seminar with Lonya.  She worked pretty well, even though it was hot and she's still a bit hormonal.  She was a bit slower than normal, but I still learned a lot!  We have a few things to work on...tunnel/contact descriminations, working the back side of the jump among others.

We have a trial next weekend, where I really hope to get a JWW Q....and our ticket to the Invitational!