Friday, December 10, 2010

Day 1 of Pasco Paws CPE

Today we had CPE agility at Pasco Paws.  Sparrow had 3 runs, Lonya had 2 (have to spread out the agility funds!)

Sparrow started out with Jackpot.  It was non traditional, which is usually good for us.  But, there was just too much real estate between the obstacles and we fell a few points short of the total we needed... I think it'll be Jackpot legs that we'll end up needing for our C-ATCH!

Standard was next for Sparrow.  Very twisty turny course, AKC Excellent like.  Sparrow doesn't like these types!  She actually did pretty well, until obstacle 16, when she was just done with being jerked around.  Screwing around getting her to jump 16 took too much time and she was over.  But, she did do a beautiful rear on the flat to the weaves....

Her last course of the day was Full House.  This one can give us trouble too, since it's a speed based class.  It was a NICE course, no contacts to slow us down.  I had a pretty good course in mind for Sparrow (which meant that Lonya was going to pretty much run the same thing...I don't remember two different courses very well...see the snooker runs from CPE Nationals for proof of this!)  She ran fast and happy!  We ended up with 32 points (which is high for her!) and 5 seconds to spare (never happens!).

Lonya's two runs were in Full House and Wild Card, level 2 in each.

Her Full House run was fun!  We pretty much did the same route as I did with Sparrow.  But, once we got to the end, I started to play around a bit and see what I could send her to.  She ended up with 34 points...I think I may have a dog that I won't struggle in Full House quite as much with! I can see how much more confident I am with Sparrow than I am with Lonya...that'll come in time I'm sure.

Her Wild Card run was actually first today.  And she was a little weasel!  I wanted to do some contacts, so I was going to have her do the dogwalk, even though it set us up for the less smooth ending.  But, I figured having to do the "harder" ending would be good for her also.   Lonya had other ideas...  She did the tunnel, jump instead!  I had walked the course a couple of times with this option, just in case my contact sucking dog decided to tunnel suck instead...  So, it ran pretty smoothly, just not what I planned!

We go back tomorrow.  Again, 3 runs for Sparrow, 2 for Lonya

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh haha Beth, I love your comment as you continue to run without a hitch... "Oh you WEASEL!!!" LOVE IT! She is looking great, fun to watch her progress!
