Monday, February 13, 2012

Day 2 of MADTA

Lonya did really well yesterday too.

She did great in Standard, but I was out of position (trying to keep her from going back to the table) and caused a refusal. But, she had one of her nicest weave performance in a trial, so I was very happy.

She Q'd in JWW, ran very nice! There was a moment when I wasn't sure I was going to be able to keep up with her running down a line, but I did. This was one of her highest YPS runs too, which was also nice.

It was COLD, and Lonya was feeling it. She was shivering when I took her out to potty, and spent the down time either curled up in a ball in her crate with all her blankets, or on my lap, under my blanket!

The video...

We have CPE in two weeks, then AKC the week after that.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Day one of MADTA

Look at that, 2 posts in one day!

Today's agility trial was fun! We didn't Q, but she had some REALLY nice parts. Standard she missed the weave entry (she really wanted to take the Aframe and I had to call her off it). And she slid off the table, though she made a really valiant effort to stay on, and has the scrape on her leg to show for it!

JWW was FUN! The opening felt fast, several crosses which she handled well. She popped out at pole 10 (again! I need to figure out how to fix that!) and then I was out of position and sent her on a wrong course.

But, Q's or not...she is a fun fun dog to play with. She loves this sport and I'm lucky to have such a willing partner!

Back tomorrow for one more day (and who knows, maybe another blog post!)

Catching up again!

I have been very bad about keeping up with the blog...I guess posting on Facebook is enough for me!

We've been doing a couple of weekends of agility a month. Our two January trials went pretty well. One weekend, she Q'd in both Standard rounds for legs 3 and 4 for her MX. She was close in one JWW too (I pulled her off a jump).

Our second weekend she only Q'd in one Standard, but had a couple of nice other runs too. Weave woes continue to plague us, that darn pole 10 problem! She also got spooked in her FAST run that weekend by some people loading equipment in a trailer. I was a bit surprised, I thought she was over that, but I guess not!

We've also been working on learning flyball. Lonya is really coming along, and I'd love for her to be ready to compete in the next few months. I hope she's on the same wavelength! Her box turn is really getting pretty solid, now we need to work on running the entire pattern and working with other dogs working.

Still trying to plan for her first litter...stay tuned!