Saturday, July 16, 2011

It sucks to get old....

Sigh...  Cheyenne has been getting old, well showing her age that is, quite a bit in the last year or so.  She's been deaf for a while, but lately, her arthritis (lower back and hips) has gotten worse and she's lost most of her muscle tone.  A couple of months ago, her appetite started to taper off, but by doing various things (soaking her kibble, changing her type of kibble, etc) I was able to get her to eat.  But, last Sunday, she flat out started refusing to eat at all.  If I put mush on the back of her tongue, she'd mostly swallow it but not because she wanted to.  She'd push a food bowl away, and this is the dog that has always loved to eat...

We went to the vet on Thursday, I was hoping it was a tooth abscess but was worried it was kidney failure.  It was neither.  Blood work showed that it was her liver that was unhappy...the liver values were off the charts.  According to the vet, that would be enough for her to not want to eat.

The most likely cause of the liver damage is cancer, based on how she presented.  In order to know for certain, we would need to do an ultrasound.  She is now on a med to help her liver function better and one to stimulate her appetite.

I'm not sure if I'll go ahead with the ultrasound or not...I don't know that it will change my course of treatment for her.  I will not do chemo on her, or surgery to remove part of the liver.  I don't think she'd survive either.  So, I'm not sure it's worth the high cost (for me at least) of the ultrasound to know for sure that she does have cancer.  The vet really seemed to think that's what it was, but didn't want to say for certain without proof.  But, he was treating me like someone who'd just been given a terminal diagnosis on their pet.

For the most part, Cheyenne is not acting like a sick dog.  She enjoys her time in the yard and getting her butt scratched as I'm sitting at my computer chair.  When I get home, she "runs" down the hall to the back door with the other girls.  This is another reason I'm reluctant to do anything extreme with her.  I'd rather have a month with her this way, than 3-4 of her being miserable recovering from surgery.  As of right now, I do not think she's in any pain at all.

I'm hoping the meds help kick in her appetite, but so far, they haven't.  I am force feeding her twice a day, I'm making her up some gruel and putting in the blender until it's smooth enough to be put in a syringe.  Today, she actually seemed to be cooperating a little bit when I fed her.  But, nothing I offer her to eat on her own gets a reaction...

I'm handling all of this pretty well, considering.  I am sad, there's no doubt about that.  But, Cheyenne has lived a good, long, healthy life and I've known that her time has been coming to an end.  Cheyenne is at least 14, but could be 2-3 years older than that, there's no way of knowing.  She had her adult teeth when I found her, that was about our only judge of age.

I just want her final days to be as pain free as possible, and I want us both to enjoy them as much as we can.

But it still sucks to get old....

Sunday, July 10, 2011

UKC weekend

This weekend, Lonya and I had 2 days of UKC agility.  We were entered in 4 runs each day, 2 AG1 and 2 AG2 (they do two trials each day).  Lonya needed 2 AG2 legs for that title, so day one her AG1 runs were just "bonus".  The way UKC agility works is that for the initial titles at level 1 and level 2, you need 3 legs in each one (from the A or B class), with a score of 170 or above (out of 200).  Then, for the UACH (United Agility Champion) title, you have to get 100 total points from AG1 and AG2 in the B class, and you need a minimum of 40 points from each one.  (Confused yet?).  You get 10 points for a perfect 200, 6 for a 199, and down to 1 for a 196.  So basically, you are no longer allowed to make a major error and get any UACH points!

Lonya doesn't do much agility at all indoors or on mats, so this was a good way for her to experience both.  On Saturday, we do both AG1 runs first (they always run them back to back to minimize course changes).  She ran very well, though she did slip a little bit on the mats.  In each run, she had a refusal for a one point deduction (the scoring is very different in UKC too!).  So, she got a 199 in each, and one first and one second place.  Good warm up runs!

In our AG2 runs, she really ran well.  UKC has some equipment that you don't see anywhere else, much of it in AG2 (fortunately, this club offers run thrus the Friday night before so you can practice on it!).  She did most of that well.  In her first run, she missed a weave pole, but did them the second time when I fixed it.  Q for a 3rd ...and leg #2.  In the second run, she had a refusal for a minor deduction, Q for 2nd and leg #3 and her title!

Today, we were running for points.  AG2 was first today.  First run, she popped the last pole, but several dogs did that.  UKC uses 9 poles, so the dogs end on the "wrong" side...I actually debated doing AG2 because of this and her pole issues...but decided that one weekend wouldn't hurt her and I want her to just weave what's in front of her, no matter how many are there.  She got a 195 for a first place, but no UACH points.  Second run, she had another refusal for a 1 point deduction, so got a 199, 6 points and a 1st place.

AG1 was last.  First run was just beautiful, she was fast, accurate and got a perfect 200 for a 1st place!  10 UACH points too.  Second run, she slid off the table for 5 faults, but the rest was clean and FAST (she finished in less than half the course time, even with the table bobble).  She got a 195 and second place.  She had adjusted to the mats really well by this point, she was no longer slipping.

I was really happy with her all weekend.  Before her last AG2 run yesterday, something spooked her and she started out the run stressed.  It only took her a couple of obstacles to settle in to work though, she shook it off pretty quickly.  She was a bit more clingy in the crate area, wanting to sit on my lap.  But, that's fine with me.  People get amused when they see her sacked out on her back in my lap....but the instant I put her down and stand up, she's ready to run (leaping leaping leaping at me).

So, if you're doing the math, in the last two weekends, Lonya was 18 for 18, with 4 new titles!!  Go merlie girlie!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Night two at Pasco Paws

We want to have a trial at Pasco Paws every weekend!  14 runs over 2 nights, and 14 Qs.  Most with placements.  Lonya got 3 new titles!

We started tonight with Lonya running Jackpot.  It was a non traditional Jackpot.  There were 3 distance challenges, and if you did all 3 successfully, you got a pair of fuzzy dice!  The 15 point gamble was jump/tunnel/jump.  The 20 point gamble was jump/aframe/tunnel (could be done in either direction).   The tunnel was under the frame, so you had to do the frame with a turn away from you into the tunnel, or do the tunnel with a turn towards you to do the frame.  The 25 point gamble was a 3 jump pinwheel, could be done in any order, in flow.  I had a fairly good path that would allow us to attempt all 3, I wasn't sure she could do them all, but wanted to try.  With the shepherds, I always was working on just trying to get the points needed, they really didn't have the speed to try the "fun" stuff.   She did the pinwheel pretty well (one bobble that I fixed) and the aframe one went well too.  We had to run across the field to get to the tunnel one, which was easy and she did just fine.  I was a bit worried we'd run out of time, but we raced back across the field to the table and she had several seconds to spare!  She won a purple pair of fuzzy dice!  It was fun to be able to try it, and even more fun to succeed!  It was her second level 3 Q (and a second place).

Next run was snooker.  This was a nicer course than yesterday (for me at least).  We did 1/7/1/6/1/3 then the close.  It was all jumps and tunnels again.  I did have to call her HARD off one tunnel, but she stopped!  The close was smooth and she ended up getting 46 points in 29.33 seconds (course time was 45).  This was her second level 2 Q (first place) and gave her the CL2-S title (Level 2 Strategy).

Next up was Standard.  Sparrow ran first.  It was a pretty straight forward course, at least it seemed so!  But, while watching the dogs before Sparrow run, quite a few took an off course teeter that I didn't notice in the walk through.  Sparrow wasn't overly speedy, but she was clean.  She didn't look at the off course teeter, but I also tried to tell her pretty early where she was going.  She Q'd with a second place.  She ran it in 59.89, course time was 65.

Lonya ran Standard next.  She really ran well, after we got past the weaves (they were obstacle 2).  I think she carried too much speed into them and missed the entry.  It took me a couple of tries to get her set up correctly.  But, once we got those right, she flew through the rest of the course.  She got her second level 2 Q (first place), she ran it in 39.17 (course time 57).

Jumpers was next.  Sparrow ran first.  It was a bit of a twisty to start out with, not Sparrow's favorite.  It did have a nice 4 jump ending though!  Sparrow ran it clean, and she Q'd.  She was just under time, 37.77 seconds, course time was 38.  She got first place, go Sparrow!

Lonya's jumpers course was VERY nice.  We had a slight miscue where she ran around a jump.  She called off a tunnel beautifully though.  She backjumped the jump, but we got back in sync and she ended really nice.  She still got a Level 2 Q though, for another 1st place.  She ran it in 21.89 seconds, well under course time of 36, even with the bobble.  This gave her the last Q needed for her CL2-F title (Level 2 Fun).

Our last run of the weekend was FullHouse for Lonya.  It was a nice smooth course, and Lonya ran it very nicely!  She did decide to end it early though, silly girl!  I told her tunnel, she thought table and went there, stopping our clock!  We still had about 10 seconds left where could have gotten more points!  But, she got 31 points, which got her a Level 3 Q and a first place.  It's fun to run FullHouse where I don't really have to worry about points!

So we ended the weekend, 14 for 14.  Lonya finished 3 titles, and is now in Level 3 for all the games!  Sparrow ran well in the heat/humidity (even though it wasn't TOO bad!).  And Lonya handled a full CPE weekend fantastic!  She was raring to go for every run, high energy and low stress!   And tons of FUN!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Night one at Pasco Paws

I took Sparrow and Lonya to Pasco Paws for a night CPE trial.  Since I wasn't sure how the weather would be, I only entered Sparrow in 2 runs each night.  Standard and whatever game I thought would be shortest (in case it was hot).  This is Lonya's first weekend of running a full set of CPE runs, 5 each day.

Lonya started out in Jackpot, level 3, traditional.  It was a really nice set up in the opening and the distance challenge was very doable.  She knocked one bar in the opening, I think she slipped a bit on wet grass (it had rained a little bit earlier).  She did her poles on the first try!  The gamble was jump, send out to a tunnel, jump, table.  No problems there and Lonya Q'd for her first level 3 Q!  And it was a first!  She got 54 points in 41.64 seconds, game time was 48 sec.

Second run was Wildcard.  I didn't like this course much, I didn't think it flowed well for Lonya (especially the option I chose!).  But, she got through it, including a tough weave entry, and she Q'd for a first again, also in Level 3.  She ran it in 27.32 sec, course time was 40.

Sparrow's Standard run was next.  It was a really nice course, and she ran it with no problems.  Speed was pretty good for her also, and she was happy!  She Q'd and somehow took first!  That's not usual for her.  She ran it in 46.68 seconds, course time was 60.

Lonya's Standard run was next.  Nice course again, and she just smoked it.  A slight bobble on the teeter, where she almost ran by it, but she corrected and got on.  Good contacts and weaves.  She Q'd, in Level 2, for a first.  Course time was 65 seconds, she ran it in 30.67!

Colors was next, Sparrow ran her course first.  She started out great, but I think she jammed a toe in the #3 tunnel.  She went in fast and came out much slower.  This happened to Kal once also.  She finished the course, but was pokey.  I looked her over after the run and she was a little tender on one rear toe.  I'll check her over tomorrow, but she seems fine now.   She Q'd, no placement.  Ran it in 28.95, course time was 32 (she REALLY slowed down!)

Lonya's Colors run was just fantastic!  Smooth course and Lonya was just having a blast tonight!  She ran the course in 13.54 seconds, for a Level 2 Q and another first.  Course time was 39 seconds.  Fun fun fun!  And this gave her the CL2-H (level 2 Handler games) title!

Final run of the night was Level 2 Snooker for Lonya.  This was her first ever Snooker run, since I won't run a young/green dog in snooker.  It was a little bit of a twisty course, and I had a hard time finding a course with flow.  It was all jumps and tunnels, and it took a little bit of work to keep her out of a tunnel or two.  But, she listened well and she Q'd again, for another first place!  She got 40 points, and finished the course in 25.87 seconds, course time was 45 seconds.

So, we ended up Q'ing in all 7 runs, with 6 first places!  And we get to go back tomorrow!